Improvement of the well jet pump design
The main schemes of creating circulating flows in the flowing part of the jet pump with the use of a vane, screw and tangential guide elements, which increase the energy efficiency of downhole ejection systems. The creation of circulating currents in the jet pump flowing part makes it possible to reduce energy losses during the mixing off lows and increase the pressure created by the ejection system. It is established that the composition of ejection systems includes local and linear hydraulic supports in the form of throttle elements, flushing nozzles, and the jet pump pressure line. It is shown that in modern designs of well ejection systems, it is expedient to use two main schemes for creating circulation flows: swirling of working and injected flows. A method for selecting the flow swirling scheme in the jet pump flow part for modern well ejection systems is developed, taking into account the design of concentrated and linear resistances in the hydraulic channels of the working and injected flow. It is expedient to use swirling of a working stream in designs of suction and injection-suction devices for drilling and in packer and two-pipe devices for oil production. Swirling the injected flow can be recommended for use in the design of injection and suction devices for drilling and combined pumping units for oil production. Vortex above-bit jet pumps of injection and suction type help to reduce the well drilling cost. The use of vortex injection systems of the injection-suction type contributes to the growth of well productivity. Flow swirling in the flowing part of oilfield jet pumps helps to increase oil production and reduce the production cost of gross output.
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